fLiP iT fRiDaY: Katie @ Katie’s Bookshelf

We’re braving the frigid Buffalo cold to chat with Katie from Katie’s Bookshelf, which on a day like today comes out more like K-K-Katie’s B-b-b-b-bookshelf. So pull up a chair, wrap your hands around a mug of hot chai, and join me in welcoming Katie to today’s fLiP iT fRiDaY!

Describe a typical day in your life.

On a weekday, I would usually wake up at 8:00 and pry myself out of bed after hitting the snooze button at least twice. Then I drive to school and enjoy the heavenly palace that is high school until 3:00. Next, I go to the post office to see if I got any new books. My last stop is home where I get something to eat, check my email, and blog. Very exciting and edgy, right?

Well, I guess it depends on where you go to school. Hogwarts? Forks High School? Spence Academy? Could get pretty edgy and exciting indeed!

What is your favorite YA book and why? Or, which YA book has had the most profound effect on you and why?

Hmm..this is a hard one. There are so many! I really liked Just Listen by Sarah Dessen. Books that have a lot of music references and themes are very interesting to me.

I liked Just Listen, too. If you like books with music, check out Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron or Danielle Joseph’s Shrinking Violet.

What are 5 of your favorite things?

  1. books, of course
  2. grilled cheese
  3. getting mail
  4. mountain dew
  5. cheesecake

(Is it weird that 3 out of 5 were food/beverage items?)

Weird? Nah. Besides, I totally agree with most of your faves. If there was a good way to send grilled cheese in the mail, I’d never leave the house again.

How long have you been blogging, and how did you get your book blogging start?

I’ve been blogging since December so that’s a little over a year. I came across some other YA book blogs through sites like randombuzzers and thought “hey, that looks like a lot of fun. Why not give it a try?” I read all the time so writing reviews gives me a chance to express my opinions and meet lots of new people!

Happy blogoversary!

Are you planning any upcoming new features or special content on your book blog and/or is there anything specific you want potential new visitors to know about your blog?

I recently started doing posts dedicated to book trailers. Those usually go up on Saturday. I’m going to try to have contests more often because, well, who doesn’t love the chance to get free books? I’d want new visitors to know that I strive to write honest reviews and take a lot of time working on my blog.

In addition to blogging, what other creative pursuits do you enjoy?

I’m really not creative at all. I tried ballet and jazz dance classes but it was more embarrassing than productive. Seriously, you guys would all fall down laughing if you had attended one of my recitals. It was that bad.

I feel your pain. I never dance in public (unless I’m not in my right mind). Carlton Banks, anyone?

What do you want to be when you “grow up”?

I’d really like to be a publicist or work in some type of PR department somewhere. Or, heck, maybe I’ll go the medical route and be a podiatrist. Who knows?

What about a book publicist who also gives foot massages? I’d totally pay for that! Though, I think it’s the book publicists that deserve the massages. They run around like crazy!

What are 3 things you’d like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?

  1. road trip to all 50 states in the US
  2. be valedectorian (I guess I’d settle for salutatorian)
  3. be a foreign exchange student

Tell us something that people who know you in real life would be surprised to learn about you.

Hmm..this is a hard one. Actually, not many of my friends know that I blog. I just kept it to myself so that I could be free to write honestly.

Thanks for braving the elements to visit us today on fLiP iT fRiDaY, Katie! Readers, you can follow Katie on Twitter @katiesbookshelf and check out her reviews and contests on Katie’s Bookshelf. You can also watch her progress on the 2010 YA Debut Book Challenge and other fun challenges throughout the year.

fLiP iT fRiDaY is a weekly feature at SarahOckler.com showcasing the fabulous YA book bloggers and reviewers who share young adult fiction with the world and inspire raves, rants, intelligent discourse, and a whole bunch of book-lovin’ among readers everywhere. If you’d like to be featured on fLiP iT fRiDaY, contact me!